Are you a homeowner who would like to install a new pool in your yard? If you are, there is one important step that you need to take. Unfortunately, many individuals believe this step is simply just buying the swimming pool, but it isn’t. You need to take the time to review your local and state laws on swimming pools.
As for how these pool safety laws work, it varies depending on the state in question. Most states have their own statewide laws. However, a city, town, or county may be able to adjust those requirements, but they usually leave the state law intact. If anything, the adjustments mean stricter rules and regulations.
As for why you should know and follow all pool safety laws and requirements, it can save you money. Did you know that you might be fined? Depending on your place of residence, you may first receive a warning, but you may also first receive a fine. You may also be required to take down your aboveground swimming pool. Don’t take the chance; save your money.
Following all state laws and requirements on pool safety will also reduce your liability. Whether it be a pool accident involving a child in your home, a relative, or a neighbor, you can be held liable for pool accidents. However, the amount that you are held liable for decreases with the more precautions that you take.
Most important, all laws and requirements concerning pool safety should be followed because they reduce the likelihood of drowning and other pool accidents. As frustrating as it may be to hear that you need to build a fence around your pool, the requirement isn’t made just to upset you. Rather it is made to protect you and all small children in the area.
As for what pool safety laws and restrictions you will find, remember that it varies. The best thing that you can do is contact a local government official, namely someone in your code department. This phone number can be found online or in your local phone book. State government websites should have pool safety laws and restrictions clearly outlined and posted on their websites. Just be sure to find updated information.
Despite the possibility of a variance, depending on the state in which you reside, there are some common requirements. Many states require the installation of a pool fence. In New York State, a fence must protect all swimming pools that have more than 24 inches of water. This fence must be at least four feet tall. It should surround the pool on all sides, have an automatic door closer and a lock or a latch.
Another pool safety law or requirement your state may have concerns pool alarms. Right now, not all states require them, but they are being added each year. Connecticut was the first state to start requiring the installation of pool alarms. New York and California have since followed. With pool alarms, they will sound when there is a disturbance in the water. Most will sound within twenty seconds.
In addition to pool safety laws, it is important to examine other requirements that may be on the books. Review your city, town, village, or county building requirements. Did you know that you may be required to purchase a building permit? This is a common requirement. Unfortunately, some pool owners still decide to install their pool anyways. Even if you have an aboveground pool, a building permit may be required. The good news is that they are usually affordable, like around $25 or less.
As an important reminder, pool safety laws and restrictions are designed to protect you and small children. Yes, swimming pool fences and alarms do cost money, but they are more than worth the costs. If you cannot afford the cost of a safety fence or a pool alarm, you should rethink your decision to purchase a swimming pool.
Read More: Want a Pool? Your Options Reviewed
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